Blues Clues What Time Is It for Blue Y
"What Time Is It for Blue?" is the second episode of Blue's Clues from the first season.
"What time is it now? We play Blue's Clues to figure it out. On the way, we help our friend Tickety put herself back together, pattern clothes in Steve's closet, and help the Lion Prince find and identify his jungle friends visually and through their sounds."
- Question: What Time Is It for Blue?
- Clues:
- 1. A Blanket
- 2. A Book
- 3. A Pillow
- Answer to Blue's Clues: Nap time
- Wrong Answers:
- Time for Blue to hide under a blanket
- Blanket and Book Time
- Time to wrap a pillow in a blanket and read it a story
- Living room picture: The jungle
- Skidoo:
- The Jungle
We are concerned with what time it is and while we try to figure it out, we help our friends and also played the Blue's Clues game while having some fun along the way. Steve scares Tickety Tock which causes her to get disturbed and loses her arms, numbers, and bells, but we fix her. They do some cleaning by picking up some clothes and stuffed animals and putting them in Steve's closet, and Skidoos into a jungle and have some fun finding animals (a frog, an elephant, and a monkey) by imitating their sounds.
Video Releases
- Telling Time with Blue (VHS, 2002)
- Big, Blue and Just for You! Volume 6 (VHS, 2002)
Steve patting Blue
Felt Friends picture frame of Cat taking a nap
Blue's Clues Rocking Chair w a Blanket and a Clue
Tickety Tock without her arms, numbers and bells.
3 Clues from What Time is it for Blue?
3 Clues from What Time is it for Blue?
Watch Episode
- This is the first episode where Steve Skidoos into the jungle. The second is "Pretend Time."
- This is not the only episode where Steve gives a wrong answer three times:
- During the first clue review, he said, "Is it time for Blue to hide under the blanket?".
- During the second clue review, he said, "Is it Blanket and Book Time?".
- During thinking time, he said, "Is it time for Blue to wrap a pillow in a blanket and read it a story?".
- When Steve says the third wrong answer during thinking time, the pillow and blanket form a snail.
- Cody Ross Pitts is listed as one of Steve's friends, but he will later voice Slippery Soap in the series.
- This is Tickety's second appearance and the first time she talks. She appears in the previous episode, "Snack Time," but does not talk.
- When Blue and the viewers are trying to find Tickety's numbers, one of the choices is a jumble of letters from multiple alphabets, including the Hebrew letters ב (Bet) and ש (Shin), the Russian letter Э (E), and the Greek letter ψ (Psi).
- Steve refers to the song "The Lion Sleeps Tonight", when he says, "We're in the jungle, the mighty jungle."
- Also, the character of the Lion Prince is an obvious nod to Disney's The Lion King, which featured the song during one of the scenes in the movie.
- In the Mailtime segment, some Dr. Seuss books can be seen in the background, including Oh Say Can You Say? and The Foot Book.
- This is the first episode to have a question as to the title.
- The book that was read at the end: "A Puppy's Day", appeared on a shelf earlier when Steve found the second clue (a book). It reappears later in "Blue's Story Time."
- A shorter version of this episode's closing credits theme was later reused in "Blue's Big Pajama Party."
- This is the first episode Steve does not sing We Just Figured Out Blue's Clues after getting up from his thinking chair, Instead, he runs over to the viewer and sings a quiet lullaby song about Blue wanting her nap.
- When Steve said, "Let's clean this up, and then we can go look for more Blue's Clues", the children said the last two words that were used in each verse from "the theme song". This also happens in the previous episode, Snack Time, and the next episode, Mailbox's Birthday.
- This is the first episode where Steve sings, "We can do anything that we want to do" without the kids/children.
- During The So Long Song, Steve sings the So Long Song quietly instead of normally and loudly because it was Blue's nap time, so he needed to sing it quietly. Steve sang it in an Elvis Presley voice in What Story Does Blue Want to Play?. It was bedtime in Blue's Big Pajama Party, so he needed to sing it quietly in his bedroom instead of the living room. It was later sung by Joe in the season 5 episode Bedtime Business because it was also bedtime, so he needed to sing it in his whisper voice.
- This episode features a Noggin Blue Ball logo.
- This is the first time that Blue did not join in The So Long Song. But she did wake up in time to say goodbye to the viewers.
- This is the first time Blue sneezes.
- She will sneeze again in Joe's First Day.
- Clips from this episode were seen in the story that Josh read in this video on the Blue's Clues & You! YouTube channel.
- Traci Paige Johnson, Seth O'Hickory, and LaNae Allen do not receive any credit whatsoever for their roles as Blue, Mailbox, and Sidetable, respectively. Plus, Cody Ross Pitts is credited as Cody Pitts.
- Blue suddenly appears and somehow sneezes when Steve sneezes, but she wasn't in the way of Steve's cleaning up.
- When Tickety jumps up right before she breaks apart, her eyes briefly disappear for a few frames and then reappear.
Story Time with Josh & Blue 📖Blue's Adventures with Steve! Blue's Clues & You!
Blue's Clues Season 1 |
Snack Time | What Time Is It for Blue? | Mailbox's Birthday | Blue's Story Time | What Does Blue Need? | Blue's Favorite Song | Adventures in Art | Blue Goes to the Beach | Pretend Time | A Snowy Day | The Trying Game | Blue Wants to Play a Game | The Grow Show | Blue Wants to Play a Song Game | What Does Blue Want to Make? | What Story Does Blue Want to Play? | Tickety's Favorite Nursery Rhyme | What Is Blue Afraid Of? | Magenta Comes Over | Blue's News |
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